Jean Grey, also known as Phoenix, is a beloved and powerful character in the X-Men universe. In the storyline that inspired Ghim Ong's striking sculpture, Jean's telepathic and telekinetic powers have grown to an immense level. When she sacrifices herself to save her fellow X-Men, she is reborn as the Phoenix, a being with god-like powers. However, as time goes on, a darker side of the Phoenix emerges, leading Jean to transform into the Dark Phoenix, a malevolent entity with near limitless power.
In this sculpture, Ghim Ong captures the moment when the Dark Phoenix has fully taken hold of Jean, as she emerges from a fiery vortex with wings spread wide, fully embracing her newfound god-like powers. The 6" sculpture is crafted in exquisite detail, with the pewter material giving it a unique and compelling texture that enhances the drama of the moment. The result is a powerful and haunting representation of one of the most iconic and tragic story arcs in the history of the X-Men comics.
Proudly brought to you by Royal Selangor and Superhero Toystore, India's largest and most comprehensive online store for official Marvel Action Figures, Statues, and other Pop-culture merch!
Category: Collectibles, Dark Phoenix, Jean Grey, Limited Edition, marvel, Marvel Comics, over-20000, Royal Selangor, statue, x-men