Introducing the My Hero Academia Shoto Todoroki VS Ichibansho Statue, where epic battles come to life in style! This masterpiece of a statue stands a mighty 7 inches tall, capturing the intense showdown between Shoto Todoroki and his rival. Get ready to be awestruck as Shoto Todoroki stands tall, decked out in his iconic costume, exuding pure heroism.
Packaged in a sealed box, this collectible treasure is ready to take its place among your prized possessions. With meticulous attention to detail and impeccable craftsmanship, this statue is a must-have for any true My Hero Academia fan. Don't miss out on this opportunity to own a piece of the action!
Category: 10000-20000, Anime, Collectibles, GST-18%, My Hero Academia, Shoto Todoroki, statue, Superhero, Tv series