From the thrilling anime Kaiju No. 8, Kotobukiya presents a breathtaking 1:8 scale statue of the unwavering Kikoru Shinomiya. This meticulously crafted figure captures her unwavering determination and fierce spirit, standing resolutely with her signature weapon held high.
Unparalleled Detail:
A Must-Have for Kaiju No. 8 Fans:
This exquisite statue is a must-have for any Kaiju No. 8 fan! It's the perfect way to bring the fierce and dedicated Kikoru Shinomiya into your anime collection, allowing you to relive your favorite moments from the series.
Don't miss your chance to own this stunning piece of Kaiju No. 8 history! Add Kikoru Shinomiya to your collection today!
Category: 10000-20000, 11-12 inches, 14+, Anime, GST-18%, Kaiju, Kaiju No. 8, kotobukiya, new product, Pre-order